
About PigmentBase

I created PigmentBase as a very simple bare-bones way to keep track of my relatively small paint collection. It's not much more than a grocery shopping list with a few fields for paint related information.

It doesn't know about paint brands or ranges. It doesn't know about colors or pigments and certainly can't match them across brands. It doesn't even care if you type silly stuff for pigments.

PigmentBase is intentionally very basic. It stores the paint information you add to it on your own device, so there are no accounts or logins or passwords. This liberates me from having to maintain a backend server. I also don't track anything with any kind of analytics because I know I'll never look at it.

How do I use it?

Ready to start using it after that masterful sales pitch about just how little it does?! Let's go!

Since PigmentBase stores your paint data on your own device, it's highly recommended to "install" it (or "save to home screen"). Installing sounds like a big step, but it's more like a glorified bookmark with its own app icon. (link to PWA info). The reason for the install is because some web browsers will only store your custom data on your device for a limited time. But when a site is installed, your custom data is stored indefinitely.

On the home page, click the "add paint" button and fill out the fields. The "Pigment" and "Name" fields are required, but you can type in "?" or "n/a" or "-" or even just a space character. Once the paint is added, it goes to the bottom of the list. You can click and drag to re-order the paints. To remove a paint, click the "x" button (this is instant!) To edit a paint, click the "e" button.

How does it work

PigmentBase uses browser "LocalStorage" to store the data you enter within your browser (instead of sending your data to a server database in "the cloud" somewhere). In order for web sites/apps to store things in LocalStorage long term, you need to "save to home screen" (in iOS or Android) or